Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Look So Much Better then I Used Too

Smartlipo San Ramon CA
I played basketball and wide receiver in high school and I have always prided myself on looking my best. Unfortunately, years of my desk job selling insurance took its toll on my waistline and I was shocked to realize just how much of a gut I had packed on over the years.

Exercise got rid of some of it, but once you hit middle age fat has a tendency to dig its heels in. I wanted to do something about it, but I could not afford the long recovery time you get with traditional lipo surgery. A friend suggested I try Laser Liposuction San Ramon CA because the cold laser lipo they do has minimal discomfort and risk involved with it.

 I am glad he made that suggestion because they were the right choice for me; I lost inches off my waistline and I did it without having to put up with any pain.

For more information about Laser Liposuction please vitist my other blogs.